Trust Account Simplified

Trust Account Simplified CPD Course

The Property Practitioners Act No 22 of 2019 and the regulations were recently promulgated, changing the face of compliance with audits and accounting records.  As a business property practitioner, you must stay compliant to keep trading.  This course is designed to give you the basics of the Act.

We also help discover the criteria required to de-register your trust account and go through each step, giving you the required documentation to simplify your process.

In this course, you will receive

  • Training Manuals
  • Informative video
  • Add-On Resource material
  • Quiz
  • Certificate of Achievement

Buy this 1-week course, Trust Account Simplified.  Click the “Take this Course” button and get started!

A Guide to Managing Remote Teams

Navigating Team Dynamics Course

This skill-enhancing course also allows you to achieve two Professional Continual Development CPD points in the non-verifiable personal category.  You are supplied with training videos, reading material and short quizzes.

You will learn how to hire remote workers.  You will have access to a larger and more diverse pool of qualified candidates while reducing overhead costs. An excellent remote candidate will meet the minimum education and experience requirements and possess the knowledge, skills, and abilities to excel in the open position. But an exceptional remote candidate also will have the traits needed to succeed in a remote environment, including initiative and self-motivation, strong communication, independent problem-solving and time-management skills, and the ability to learn new technologies.

A few advantages of the remote office include:

  • World-class talent.
  • Increased diversity.
  • Improved productivity
  • Greater employee happiness.
  • Reduced overhead costs.

Buy this 1-week course, a Guide to Managing Remote Teams, which will help you strategise correctly to achieve a high outcome from remote staff members.   Click the “Take this Course” button and get started!


POPI Act Course


This CPD non-verifiable course is a must for you and your employees to understand the regulations contained within the POPI Act in just 10-days.  Not only do you receive this expert summary, but you also receive a draft POPI Manual and Forms which you can adapt to your business and 1 non-verfiable point in the Professional Category.

You are provided with learning material that summarises the Act defining what your business must adhere to and how.  The program is arranged so that all staff members will easily understand the basic concepts of the Act and obtain knowledge on how to apply different mechanisms specific to the business’ needs.

Besides obtaining critical legislated information, you may also complete this course to achieve two non-verifiable Continual Professional Development (CPD) points in the property industry.

To buy this 10-day POPIA CPD course, click “Take this Course” and follow the prompts.

Introduction to Property Ownership CPD Course: Part 1

Introduction to Property Ownership Course: Part 1

Introduction to Property Ownership – Part 1: 1 CPD point in the Professional Development Category

This 10-day CPD course gives both the investor and the property practitioner hands-on knowledge enabling him/her to understand the benefits of purchasing in the right vehicle so that the profitability of the investment is maximised.

Introduction to Property Ownership – Part 1 non-verifiable CPD course

This short online course is carefully explained so that any Property Practitioner entering the industry will be able to easily grasp the content and apply it to his daily interaction with his clients. It covers the following topics:

  • Property Development Schemes
  • Sectional Title Schemes
  • Management of Sectional Title Schemes
  • Retirement Schemes
  • Sale of units in Schemes

It further goes on to discuss what each of these schemes entails, what a person buys when he buys into a scheme, the legal requirements in respect of a sale and what an investor must know when buying into a scheme.

Sectional Title Schemes are very popular in South Africa as they offer advantages to the owner such as security of title, shared costs and management.  You will understand how a Sectional Title Register is opened and the obligations of the owner of the property.  Retirement Schemes are in demand and a buyer must understand the full impact of purchasing into such a scheme.

To buy this 10-day Introduction to Property Ownership CPD Course – Part 1, please click the “Take this Course” button and get started on your CPD course!

Introduction to Property Ownership CPD Course: Part 2

Introduction to Property Ownership Course - Part 2

1 CPD point in the Professional Development Category

This non-verifiable CPD 10-day course is a follow-on to Property Ownership Part 1.  It gives additional insight into the development of different types of ownerships, being Sectional Title, Share Block, Group Housing and Retirement Schemes.

Introduction to Property Ownership – Part 2

Whether you are a property practitioner, an investor or a developer, this short online course is designed to give you knowledge of how best to develop a scheme, what ownership will apply and then how to manage that type of ownership. We will discuss the following:

  • Property Development Schemes
  • Sectional Title Schemes
  • Management of Sectional Title Schemes
  • Retirement Schemes
  • Sale of units in Schemes

Each scheme has different objectives and different usages.  It is critical as a property developer that you understand at the outset the regulated legislation that is applied to a scheme both during the planning period and after the hand-over of the end product.

This course outlines all of the above for each different scheme type.

To buy this 10-day Introduction to Property Ownership CPD Course: Part 2, click “Take this Course” and get started on your CPD points today!

Introduction to Property Development Schemes CPD Course

Introduction to Property Development Schemes Course

Introduction to Property Development Schemes Course: 1 CPD point in the Professional Development Category

This 10-day course will give you a solid understanding of property development schemes.  It outlines the different categories and explains their usages which is useful to any person who is investing in or selling a property in South Africa.

Introduction to Property Development Schemes non-verifiable CPD course

Property Development Schemes is designed to ensure that you understand the intricacies of investing in a property.  Once you have completed this course you will have a clear understanding of:

  • Sectional Title
  • Freehold
  • Share Block
  • Housing Development for Retired Persons
  • Group Housing

As an investor, you must understand the different property development schemes that are offered on the market.  As a successful property practitioner you must be in a position where you can easily As a property investor or even a first-time home-buyer, you must understand the different schemes so that you invest astutely.

As a property practitioner, you must be able to explain the different development schemes to your buyers, and this course will ensure that you can do just that!

To buy this 10-day Introduction to Property Development Schemes CPD course, please click the “Take this Course” so that you can earn your course today.

Introduction to Land Use Controls CPD Course

Introduction to Land Use Controls Course

Introduction to Land Use Controls: 1 CPD point in the Professional Development Category

This 10-day course will give you a basic understanding of different land uses as contained in all South African Town Planning regulations, and how to change or adapt these uses to allow you to successfully develop a property.

Introduction to Land Use Control non-verifiable CPD Course

Land Use Controls govern what a buyer or tenant can achieve on a property and what a seller can accrue for the property.   The course gives a thorough overview of:

  • Subdivisions
  • Special Consents
  • Rezoning Applications and Certificates
  • Removal of Restrictions from Title Deeds
  • Town Planning Schemes and Guides

Without this knowledge a Property Practitioner may sell or let a property, without realising the full value of the property should another usage be applied for.  This course explains the many steps that have to be taken to achieve the new usage.

Local town planning offices differ from area to area, all are governed by legislation and the various processes are regulated.  It is imperative that the Property Practitioner has a good understanding of these processes and can investigate different options on a particular erf, to achieve the best possible usage for that property.

To buy this 10-day Introduction to Land Use Controls CPD course, please click the “Take this Course” and get started on your CPD course today.

Introduction to Mandates & Commissions CPD Course

Introduction to Mandates & Commissions Course

Introduction to Mandates & Commissions: 1 CPD point in the Professional Development Category

This 10-day course will enhance your knowledge giving you confidence in knowing that your commission is secure when you are listing a property.  You will be able to use the skills provided to professionally conclude a mandate wherein both you and your client understand how commission is earned and when it is paid.  You will earn 1 non-verifiable point in the Professional Development CPD Category.

Introduction to Mandates & Commissions Online CPD Course

This short online course is highlights not only mandate types but the services that the property practitioner must offer to his client to ensure a successful mandate. The mandate is the very start of the property transaction and it must set the pace for the way forward.  In this skill-enhancing course we cover:

  • Open Mandate
  • Sole Mandate
  • Exclusive Sole Mandate
  • Commissions
  • Client Services

It is a waste of the property practitioners time to conclude a mandate with a seller or landlord unless he or she is confident that the transaction will result in a sale or rental, and that the practitioner will be paid for the work he or she has performed, timeously.

Many practitioners do not understand the simplicity of this initial task in the property chain.  They spend a vast amount of time beating about the bush and not concluding a clear mandate.  A client must have full confidence in his appointed practitioner and this can only be achieved with professional communication.

To buy this 10-day skill-enhancing Introduction to Mandates and Commissions CPD course, click the “Take this Course” button and get started!

Introduction to Trust Accounts & Fidelity Fund CPD Course

Introduction to Trust Account & Fidelity Fund Online Course

Introduction to Trust Account & Fidelity Fund: 1 CPD point in the Professional Development Category

This 10-day course will take you through the basic understanding of what is required of the Property Practitioner by the Regulatory Authority when applying to become a real estate property practitioner and how to manage trust funds.

Introduction to Trust Account and Fidelity Fund non-verifiable CPD Course

This course carefully explains legislated requirements, so that any Property Practitioner entering the industry will be able to easily understand what the compliance factors surrounding both fidelity fund certificates and trust accounts.

The fidelity fund is insurance protecting the public against any misconduct he or she may encounter when concluding a property transaction with a real estate property practitioner. For this reason, it is regulated that all property practitioners must hold a valid current fidelity fund certificate, failing which they will not be allowed to trade.

Trust accounts are legislated by the Act, and all real estate firms must hold at least one trust account and adhere to the regulations surrounding trust accounts.  Non-compliance can result in a penalty and/or a jail sentence.

To buy this 10-day Introduction to Trust Account and Fidelity Fund CPD Course, click “Take this Course” and get started on your CPD points today!

Wills & Deceased Estates CPD Course

Wills & Deceased Estates: 1 CPD points in the Professional Category

Wills & Deceased Estates CPD Course

Wills and Deceased Estates CPD course for real estate agents in South Africa covers an important feature when dealing with property buyers and sellers. As a professional real estate agent in South Africa, you must have a clear understanding of the limitations and expectations of buyers and sellers when a death is encountered, either before or after the sale is formalised. This course will give you a clear indication of how South African law controls these situations.

Cost: R280

This online course was produced with assistance of Samantha van Rooyen of attorneys Morris, Fuller, Williams. The knowledge contained in this short course is concise and to the point.  As an estate agent you must understand the implications of death and taxes when selling a deceased estate.  If you don’t, you will put your buyer/seller at risk.  The information is explained by Samantha in an easy to follow fashion and we assure you that you will find this course an asset to your development as an estate agent.

Click the “Take this Course” button below to purchase this 10-day Wills and Deceased Estates course today!