Navigating the 2024 FFC & RC Renewal Process: Essential Insights from PPRA

PPRA S47, S78 and S49: issuing of FFCs and RCs:

PropAcademy is committed to keeping our community of property practitioners well-informed about the latest regulatory requirements and processes. A recent webinar hosted by the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA) shed light on the essential steps and documentation required for the renewal of Fidelity Fund Certificates (FFCs) and Registration Certificates (RCs) for 2024. Here’s everything you need to know to ensure a smooth renewal process.

Key Updates and Requirements:

  1. Renewal Notifications and Timeline:
  • The PPRA has identified all property practitioners due for FFC renewal in 2024. Notifications will be sent via bulk email, and it is crucial to ensure your contact details, especially your email address, are current in the PPRA records.
  • Invoices for renewal will be dispatched starting July 2024, marking the commencement of the renewal season which will run until October 31, 2024.
  1. Required Documentation for Firms:
  • For Juristic Persons (CC’s or Private Companies): You will need to submit an Application Form, a Tax Clearance Certificate, and a BBBEE Certificate or Sworn Affidavit.
  • For Sole Proprietors: An Application Form and a Tax Clearance showing compliant status are required.
  1. Understanding BEE Compliance:
  • The BEE compliance level accepted is 40 points or more (BEE Level 8). Entities not meeting these standards have the option to apply for an exemption as per Section 4.
  1. Payment and Processing Details:
  • Payments should be made using the specific seven-digit reference number as the payment reference.
  • Once payments are reconciled, compliant property practitioners will receive their FFC or RC valid for three years.
  1. Non-Compliance and Penalties:
  • Practitioners with non-compliance issues will be contacted, and any penalties must be cleared before a certificate can be issued.
  • Non-compliance might include criminal convictions, lack of tax and BEE certifications, or previous claims against the Fidelity Fund.
  1. Ensuring Accurate Contact Information:
  • Verify your contact details with the PPRA to prevent any issues with the issuance of certificates and to ensure you receive all pertinent communications from the PPRA.

How PropAcademy Can Assist:

PropAcademy offers guidance and support to ensure our practitioners navigate these processes seamlessly. Our team can help you understand the documentation requirements, assist in ensuring your compliance with BEE and tax regulations, and provide resources for any queries you might have during the renewal process.


Staying informed and prepared is key to ensuring that your practice continues without interruption. We encourage all property practitioners to begin preparing for the renewal process early to avoid last-minute hassles and ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements.

Disclaimer: This article is based on information provided by the PPRA during their latest webinar. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, practitioners are encouraged to verify details with the PPRA directly as policies and regulations may change.

Revolutionising PDE: Introducing the Take-Home Exam

On 29th February 2024, learners will experience the flexibility of PDE like never before. In an attempt to address the recent PDE constraints, the PPRA has introduced a pilot project for all registered learners to take part in.

The PPRA has confirmed that you will receive your exam paper at 08h00 via email or download it from the PPRA website. Simply type your answers in the allocated spaces on the MS Word document and submit it back by 16h00 on the same day.

There are many advantages to this approach. You get to enjoy the added benefits of working offline and accessing all your resources. It also promotes more meaningful learning, instead of having to memorise your material.


  • The exam is completed in a location of your choice
  • You will not be invigilated
  • You get more time to complete your exam
  • Download/save your exam paper
  • Complete your exam offline
  • You do not need to print your exam paper
  • You will email your exam paper back to the PPRA on completion
  • Your exam starts at 08:00 and must be submitted to the PPRA by 16:00
  • You have full access to online resources and your study material

We at PropAcademy encourage you to embrace this innovative approach to PDE. It has been designed to make your exam experience smoother and more efficient!

For more information on this important communication, please click here.

Exam Prep for PDE4 & PDE5

10 Tips on Writing Your PDE

These tips only apply to the PDE – Professional Designated Exam – Level 4 and 5 regulated by the PPRA.

Don’t study using everyone’s handed-down crash course material; this will have you spinning with unanswered questions and outdated material.

The PDE exams are held online and at a venue, depending on the PPRA’s requirements.  Here are some instructions for both:

At a Venue:

  1. Take your ID, FFC and proof of exam registration with you.
  2. When the PPRA refer to a “seat number”, please ignore this.
  3. You are not allowed any electronic devices in the exam room, including a cell phone.
  4. It is an open-book exam so please take your PropAcademy course material into the exam and know where to find your answers; that is key! Index your files (soft or hard copy) and be very familiar with where everything is.
  5. Make sure that you have a backup pen.
  6. Don’t talk to others during your exam.
  7. Ensure you don’t just get up and leave the room; you must ask for permission.

What to purchase and what not to purchase

  1. Purchase our crash course if you haven’t already! The course is live on your profile for 6-weeks but can be completed as quickly as you like. We have both PDE4 and PDE5. This includes our training material updated after every exam, live classes for you to join online, and quizzes to test your knowledge.
  2. You will be advised to purchase the “EAAB/PPRA NQF4/5 Study Guides”. Please feel free to borrow these from your fellow colleagues. If you have purchased our course, these guides can be seen as your back up and in our course, we advise you on which chapters to focus on.

Complete our PDE course quickly!

  • You can register for our course before registering with the PPRA for your exam – whenever it suits you.
  • You start your course as your payment reflects. No waiting is required!
  • Payment options are available to suit your needs. You will see these on the checkout page and below.
  • 98% of the learners using our material have passed the 1st time!
  • Our course is based on the PDE exam papers, giving you the tools to knock this exam out of the park.
  • Watch the recorded webinars in your course at any time that suits you.
  • There are live webinars closer to exam time, where you can join your fellow writers and chat with our facilitator about your concerns.
  • Support channels are ready and waiting for you.

Purchase today & start as soon as your funds reflect.

It’s that easy. Study our range of courses and grow your career with us to guide you. Payment options: EFT, Debit, or Credit card. Alternatively, take advantage of our PayJustNow facility; you choose this option at the checkout page, apply for an interest-free loan [we cover the fees], and if you qualify, you will pay over three months instalments and have access to your course after your first payment.

Studying online with ease…

We have designed our platform to suit your needs. You are out and about, busy in meetings, and need something you can do in your own time, from wherever it suits you, at any time of day or night. So, we have developed it for you. Accompanied with videos in your course, live webinars, online support and more.

The above advice is based on real-life experiences from our learners.


  1. When the PPRA refer to a “seat number”, please ignore this.
  2. Make sure your mic and webcam work. Don’t have a webcam? Buy one!
  3. Don’t talk to others during your exam; you must be alone in a quiet room.
  4. When you book your exam, you may see you need to choose an area to write. Please click on the area to complete your booking but note. You can do this exam from anywhere quiet as long as you are online. The area is just there until the PPRA remove it.
  5. Ensure you don’t just get up and leave the room; you must ask for permission.
  6. Your internet connection must be bulletproof; you cannot afford to be disconnected.
  7. You should receive a practice test just before your exam; please do this; it will also show you how to draw a graph and a few other tricks for the day.
  8. Don’t bounce around from question to question; sometimes, you can’t return. Instead, answer the question as you read it.
  9. Know where to find your answers; that is key! Index your files (soft or hard copy) and be very familiar with where everything is.

2022 Deadlines: Am I Compliant

Kindly take note of these deadlines with regards to the PPRA.

1. Education Regulations

All practitioners must comply within two years of their first FFC. Those that do not have amnesty until 30 June 2023. This means you must have completed your 12-month intern logbook, your NQF Level 4 Real Estate 59097, and your PDE Level 4 exam in time. Failing which you will be barred from operating as a Property Practitioner.

2. FFC & Registration Certificate Renewals

Renewals need to take place by the 31st of October each year. Your renewal is paid for 3 years in advance. Principal renewals have to be applied and paid for first. Agencies do not have to pay for renewals but need to renew via the Principal’s PPRA portal. Following this, all other Property Practitioners can renew. Click here for further tips on renewals.

3. Trust Accounts

Designation of Trust Account name must be changed by 31 August 2022 to:

“As designated by Sec 54(1) and 54(2) of the Property Practitioners Act No 22 of 2019.”

The PPRA has engaged all banks, through the Banking Association of South Africa, on the referencing of all existing trust accounts to the new section 54(1) and 54(2) naming convention under the PPA and the PPRA has given banks up to 31 August 2022 to finalise this change in referencing. Accordingly, existing trust accounts opened prior to 1 February 2022 and still containing a reference to the old section 32(1) and/or 32(2) of the EAAA can be accepted by the principals and auditors of business property practitioners up to 31 August 2022. However, all new trust accounts opened after 1 February 2022 must contain a reference to section 54(1) and/or 54(2) of the PPA.

4. Trust Account Audits

Trust accounts must be audited within four months from year-end. The four months were extended to six months for the 2022 submissions, meaning that if your year-end was Feb 2022, you must submit by no later than 31 August 2022.


This contract had to be reviewed by 15 July 2022.

6. BEEE Certificates

All agencies must upload BEEE certificates.

7. SARS Certificates

All agencies must upload SARS certificates.

8. CPD

CPD occurs in three year rolling cycles.  As an example, if you started your CPD in 2022, it would run for 2022, 2023 and 2024.

You must complete your:

  • annual CPD program as instructed by the PPRA, normally by June of that year;
  • verifiable and non-verifiable points before 31st December of each year;
  • payment for the following year must be made by the 31st March of that year.

The PPRA FFC Renewal Process Explained

We know that there are still some of you battling to renew your FFC, so we have decided to share some tips to help you out. Please note the contents of this article has been extracted from this PPRA Notice.

Important Tips

  • The cut-off date to renew your 2023 FFC is 31 Oct 2022
  • Your renewal is paid for 3 years in advance
  • There is no payment plan allowed for with regards to the renewals
  • Principal renewals have to be applied and paid for first
  • Agencies do not have to pay for renewals but still need to renew via the PPRA portal.
    The firm or business practitioner on longer pays any FFC fees as a result of the legislation which provides that only natural persons pay for FFCs.
  • Following this, all other Property Practitioners can renew
  • There is no provision in any legislation or policy which allows the practitioner to get a refund should they leave the industry during the renew period paid for

When you renew, remember

  • You must use your correct 7-digit ref number
  • You need to renew on your PPRA portal “Renew individual FFC”
  • You will then be issued an automated invoice giving you the correct amount payable
  • Pay your invoice and PDF the Proof of Payment
  • Download and complete your application form [PPRA Individual FFC Application Form]
  • Click here for a link to the PPRA, and scroll down for the application form
  • Upload these documents [POP & Application form] onto your PPRA portal, Log a query, FFC enquiry

To watch a Property Practitioner renewal

Now it’s time to pay for your renewal

  • For access to the PPRA Fees click here
  • Current Candidate [Intern] for less than 24 months = R1540
  • Current Candidate [Intern] for more than 24 months = R2340
  • Current Non-Principal [Property practitioner | Full Status] = R2340
  • Current Principal =  R2340

If you don’t renew in time you will be penalised R125 per month.

Educational material now available for CPD

IMAGE: Courtney McKenna of PropAcademy

The EAAB announced that the CPD 2021 material will be uploaded in the coming weeks thereby making the CPD programme available from 1 October 2021 to all eligible estate agents.

Experience has taught the EAAB that there are some estate agents who experience difficulties in navigating the CPD portal which compromises their ability to complete the CPD programme. In this regard, the EAAB will, in due course, issue a schedule to remotely assist the affected estate agents using a meeting virtual platform.

“We wish to further reiterate the position we have clarified before that, all estate agents who did not take advantage of the CPD fee ministerial waiver in 2020 and made payment towards the CPD programme, will not be required to pay 2021 CPD fees.

“Conversely, all estate agents who took advantage of the ministerial CPD fee waiver for 2020, will be required to pay CPD fees for 2021.

“We urge those estate agents who have not yet done the catch-up to finalise their 2020 CPD programme before 1 October 2021,” the EAAB said in a statement.

The EAAB thanked the stakeholders for their patience and understanding.

Courtney McKenna of PropAcademy said continual professional development (CPD) is just that – information that keeps stakeholders up to speed with changes to legislation, regulations and general knowledge within the property industry.

“CPD is commonplace in most professions and has been so for years. Property practitioners are dealing with the public daily, and more than that, advising them on property-based investments.  This cannot be done without knowing current changes to various property related Acts. CPD also keeps you ahead of the pack with changes in the financial world that relate directly to the property industry.

“There are two aspects to CPD. One is verifiable CPD points, where you are required to achieve 15 points in 5 different property categories. Verifiable points are only attainable directly from the EAAB through the property practitioners EAAB portal. These verifiable points are in the form of online learning material, videos and then a quiz.

“Non-verifiable CPD points can be attained through PropAcademy or any other training that relates to property matters. Annually you are required to achieve five non-verifiable CPD points in 3 different categories. This information is freely obtainable on the PropAcademy website,” she explained.

When do I qualify for CPD?

Full status and principal status property practitioners qualify for CPD, which kicks in the year after the EAAB advised them that they were successful in their PDE4 exam. For example, if you write your exam in November 2021 and your PDE4 results are released in January 2022, you will need to comply with CPD in 2023.

“PropAcademy has several online CPD online short courses designed by experts, enabling the property practitioner to achieve the required non verifiable points in record time. Our courses are approximately an hour-long, include training material, online quizzes and a certificate for each point.

“Once both non-verifiable and verifiable points are completed, they must be uploaded to the CPD MyPortal, on or before a determined cut-off date. Should a property practitioner not produce these points as required, the EAAB may impose penalties, including a fine and rescinding of the practitioner’s Fidelity Fund Certificate.  Without a current valid FFC, you may not trade,” McKenna said.

Written by
Danie Keet (Property Professional)

How to Prepare for your Online Real Estate Course

If you have been out of school for a while / practicing real estate for years, or if you’re new to online learning, you might not know what to expect in your eLearning real estate course.  Some courses are purely online where others are known as Blended Learning, a mix of online and face to face classes.

How to Prepare for Online Real Estate Courses

There are some tips and tricks that can help you stay organised and focused while taking your online real estate classes. We’ve put together a list of some of our favourites.

Create your own workspace for online real estate classes

If you’re doing your online real estate classes from home, make sure you set aside a dedicated working area. Even if you have a small apartment, you can still create an area to do your work. This will not only help you stay focused but using a genuine home office could possibly qualify you for the home office deduction come tax time.

Having a separate working area could also help you to balance your online real estate classes with your other time commitments.

If you have set up your workspace in the office to study and take part in eLearning classes, then make sure that this area is quiet, away from interruptions.  Ensure that staff know to keep away from your area whilst your online course is taking place.  A set of head phones is always best when interacting online. You must be comfortable so make sure you have nourishment close at hand as well as a pen and pad to make notes.

A good idea is to always check your network connections and keep that Wi-Fi line clear whilst the webinar is in progress.  Go even further and de-activate other sources that share the Wi-Fi connection such as Skype, Facebook and definitely stop downloads. If in the office, ask other staff members that share the Wi-Fi in the office environment to close their downloads for the period of the webinar.  Have a backup plan in case your internet goes down.  You don’t want to run into a scenario where you have a test or assignment due and can’t complete it because of your internet access.

A brilliant plan is to ensure that you have downloaded and saved your Portfolio Guide that relates to the webinar course and minimise it to 50% of your screen, so that you can easily make notes under each question during the webinar.  You may also want to have your Learner Guide on hand so that you can flip to the pages that the facilitator is discussing and mark where to read up on the answers at a later stage.

A timer is a great tool to have as it keeps you focussed on the task at hand.  And remember when the webinar breaks to go into a further task, use that time to stretch your limbs and get the blood flowing again! Regular exercise improves memory and thinking skills. A good idea is having a stress ball on your desk to keep your blood pumping while you listen.

There are online backup tools that must be used when completing your course such as iCloud, Google Documents and Dropbox. If your work is saved on Google Documents or Dropbox it’s a lot easier to run back to the office or a nearby cafe to finish your assignment. Despite all your best efforts, sometimes technology stops working for inexplicable reasons.

Ergonomics in your work space

When setting your work station up, whether it will be a standing or sitting station, you want to be as comfortable as possible, but still in a position that will keep you from dosing off. Long use of a computer, especially with the wrong posture can lead to muscle aches and fatigue. The below tips will help you avoid this:

  • Avoid unnecessary reaching. Your keyboard, mouse, note pad, files and head phones should be within easy reach;
  • Position your laptop screen in the centre of your view, directly in front of you. The top of the screen should be slightly below the top of your head, so that you are looking at it with a slightly downward gaze;
  • Position your laptop screen to eliminate any reflections coming from windows and lighting;
  • Utilise a chair with back support;
  • Keep your feet supported on the floor or on a footrest when you work to reduce pressure on your lower back. If you don’t have a footrest use a box or an old file;
  • Keep your shoulders relaxed with your elbows close to your sides;
  • Your wrists should be in a neutral or straight position when typing;
  • Keep your fingers and knuckles relaxed when working at the keyboard;
  • Avoid holding your mouse tightly. Your hand should be relaxed; and
  • Rest your eyes by refocusing on distant objects intermittently when working.

Enjoy your new eLearning!

Congratulate yourself on taking the steps to learn something new and don’t forget to enjoy this time of your life. You’re embarking on a journey that will take you to new places and that’s something to be excited about.

If you have any questions on how to prepare for your online courses or you have any other tricks that work well for you, please feel free to share them in the comments below.

How to Own Your Own Real Estate Agency in South Africa

So you’re a high-achieving real estate agent. You work hard for your commission and you’re tired of paying over a large amount of your earnings to the estate agency firm you work for every time you make a sale.

How to Own Your Own Real Estate Agency in South Africa

You want to be your own boss, own your own estate agency firm, and retain your commission for yourself. And possibly, one day, you may even have estate agents working for you and paying over some of their commission to you!

That’s a great ambition to have. Real estate is an exciting profession, but even more so when you are in control of your own agency.

But before you rush off to sign a lease on your new premises, there are a few steps you have to take. The first, and most important of these, is to become a Principal Estate Agent.

The Estate Agents Affairs Board (EAAB) requires that the owner of every estate agency must be a qualified Principal Estate Agency – or Principal Property Practitioner. This means that you must have had some experience in running an estate agency firm and you will have qualified in terms of regulations set by the EAAB and by Services SETA (SSETA).

Let’s start at the beginning and track the route every prospective real estate agent must take en route to owning his or her own estate agency firm.

The first step – for every new entrant to the profession regardless of their background or previous qualifications – is to join an estate agency firm, obtain a fidelity fund certificate (FFC), and complete a 12-month internship. During this 12-month period, the intern estate agent collects information and completes a portfolio of evidence (PoE) which must be lodged with the EAAB.  You can enrol in our online Intern PoE logbook course directly on our website right away.

If you have already been in the industry for a few years, you will also have to produce a PoE for the Board, clearly showing evidence of at least a year in the field before you can become a full status estate agent.

The EAAB requires all intern agents complete their studies to become full status estate agents within two years from the time they are issued with their Fidelity Fund Certificate from the Board.

To become a full status estate agent, you must complete the Further Education Training: National Qualification Forum Level 4 Real Estate (NQF4) qualification, and then write your EAAB Professional Designated Exam level 4 (PDE4). All of these courses are available on our website and can be completed from the comfort of your home or office via an internet enabled mobile or computer device.

At PropAcademy, we strongly recommend that you start your NQF4 once you have been in the business for three months – while you are still completing your intern logbook PoE.

That’s because your NQF4 will take six-and-a-half months to complete. Then, once it’s submitted to SSETA (PropAcademy can assist you with this), it will take approximately one year before you are issued with a competency certificate.

Only once you have this can you can register with the EAAB to write your PDE4 to have your status changed from intern agent to full status agent – and you’ll be entitled to use the letters PPRE (Property Practitioner Real Estate) in your advertising material.

What if you have a degree or qualification which includes you having passed subjects that are directly related to the real estate industry? The EAAB makes provision for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) so it’s possible that you may be exempt from writing the NQF4 qualification.  An exemption matrix is available on the EAAB website.

Recognition of Prior Learning also relates to estate agents who have been estate agents since 2008 with no break in service and wrote the old Estate Agents Exam during that period.

So now you’ve completed your NQF4 (or obtained exemption) and your PDF4 qualification. You’re a full status estate agent. Your next step is to go on and achieve Principal Estate Agent status.

The EAAB requires you to have at least two years’ hands-on management of running a business, or to have been involved in the running of your employer’s estate agency firm. In addition, you will have to obtain an NQF5 qualification and pass your PDE5 exam.

Your NQF5 can be completed in six months but your work will then have to go through the normal SSETA channels before you can be issued with a certificate of competency.

Once that is done and you have your certificate, you will have to register with the EAAB to write your PDE5 and voilà, you will now be a Principal Estate Agents (soon to be known as a Principal Property Practitioner).

And NOW you can register and run your own estate agency business.

There are many regulations that must be adhered to in running your own estate agency. These are set out in the Estate Agents Affairs Act as well as the Code of Conduct and Ethics. PropAcademy can help to guide you through the requirements to ensure that when you are audited by the Board you are not penalised for any irregularities.

If you have any questions or would like further assistance with the process of becoming a real estate agency owner, or you’d like to know more about the real estate courses we offer, please feel free to contact us, and we’ll gladly assist you.

Written by Janet Alexander, CEO, PropAcademy

How to Find a Job at a Top Real Estate Agency

New Real Estate Agent Job

As a fledgling real estate agent having just completed your internship, you will now be looking for a job at a reputable and vibrant estate agency.

You will be looking to join a real estate company which would normally mean becoming part of a franchise of one of the large real estate companies in South Africa. Some of these include Rawson’s, Pam Golding or Seeff, which are all South African franchises. There are however also international franchises operating in South Africa such as Remax and the new kid on the block, Keller Williams Ignite.

The principle or owner of the franchise will be looking for diligent, honest, forward thinking employees to help run their business. Keep this in mind when you are looking for that perfect place to settle down and begin your exciting new career.

Here are some tips for landing your first Job as an Estate Agent:

Have a Good Mindset

Your prospective boss is going to be looking for people that he can rely on to keep the best interests of the business at heart. You will want to project a sense of responsibility and commitment, so that your prospective employer will recognise those qualities.

Understand the Job Description

Make sure you understand the job description. You don’t want to be applying for a position that at the end of the day is not for you. There are many functions of a real estate agent and you should be able to fulfil everything that the job description requires.

Much of your practical internship work and your online estate agent learning should prepare you for most positions in an agency.

What to Expect in Interviews & How to Prepare

You have already submitted your CV outlining all your experience and coursework. Now you will find yourself face to face with your new boss in an interview. Bear in mind that he has read your CV and is now not only listening to your answers to his questions, but also watching your body language closely.

You might also have to go through several interviews with different partners of the business.

John Lees, author of The Interview Expert: How to Get the Job You Want, suggests you develop a real script in preparation for your interview. You can probably predict a number of questions that you’ll be asked such as Why should we hire you? Why do you fit this role? I notice some gaps in your resume … Think about how you’ll answer these questions and practice saying the answers out loud.

John also suggests you prepare for questions you want to avoid by developing short, upbeat answers. If you’re asked something that throws you for a loop, ask for a minute to think about how you’ll answer. Also, make sure you’re actually listening to the interviewer.

Read What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Focus on Before a Job Interview for more great interview tips and advice from John.

Embrace Your New Workplace & Follow Instructions

If you get the job you will now most likely have to go through training period. You might find this frustrating as you are probably raring to get going. Things will probably be a lot different than your internship. Be open-minded and embrace the way your new workplace is run. Try to keep to instructions and make sure that you are clear on all directives.

This will ensure that you will be able to do the best job you possibly can.

Once you have qualified as a full status estate agent, you will have fulfilled the Services SETA requirement, the EAAB examination, your (online) estate agent course work and your internship. All these as well as a new position at a good agency should be the springboard you need to start you off on a successful career as a real estate agent.

If you have any questions about finding a job as an estate agent, or you have any tips and advice that have worked for you in the past, please share them in the comments below.

Finding the Right Internship in an Estate Agency

Now that you have decided that real estate is something that you want to pursue, you will need to become qualified. Not only will you have to achieve certain qualifications to begin your education as a real estate agent, you will also be following online training as well as completing an internship.

Find the Right Internship in an Estate Agency

An internship is a process of learning while you are working. You will find a real estate agency that will take you on as an intern and then work under the mentorship of an agent with at least three years experience and recognized as an official mentor by the EAAB (Estate Agency Affairs Board).

Fidelity Fund Certificate

You will be licensed to operate as an intern with a Fidelity Fund Certificate.
The great thing about the intern programme in the real estate industry of South Africa is that it gives the aspirant immediate hands on experience. You get to jump right in feet first. Interns can get down to work immediately. You can begin to show clients property, create and execute marketing strategies, and as soon as you have the hang of it you can, through your mentor, even advise clients on legal matters, costing and price negotiation. Of course you will also be learning to keep up with all the administration that is expected of a real estate agent.

In total over the entire year the intern will probably log up to 1500 hours in formal training. The bulk of these hours can be clocked while at work, but interns will also be expected to study and do courses in conjunction to the practical side. Most interns will opt for the online training for estate agents. This allows you the flexibility to study at your leisure and fit your courses and classes into your schedule. After this internship period, you will complete your NQF level 4 portfolio of evidence and be found competent by Services SETA. Then you will be required to pass the EAAB’s examinations (the EAAB”S Professional Designation Examination), PDE level 4, and if you are aspiring to become a principal (to own your own business) the NQF level 5 and PDE level 5.

You can, however, also apply to earn credits for previous education and ‘prior learning’. This means that you can gain credit for diplomas or national certificates that hold in other fields sectors that could pertain to real estate. Inquiries about exemption status can be directed to PropAcademy who assist you in completing the required EAAB documentation.

One thing that you will need to be aware of as an intern is that you must always make the client or customer aware that you are in fact an intern. This must be transparent at all times. Failure to do so can result in disaster!

When asking the seasoned and successful agents in the field today how to go about finding the right internship, the answer is pretty much the same across the board. Find a mentor who embodies the ethical standards and code of conduct expected from a well qualified estate agent and then cultivate your own set of standards. You can’t go wrong.