EISA – Occupational Certificate: NQF Level 4: Real Estate: SAQA ID 118714
With the replacement of the NQF4 qualification taking effect on 1 July 2024, there is now a requirement to complete an EISA. Many of you are wondering what this means for you as PropAcademy learners.
What is an EISA?
The External Integrated Summative Assessment [EISA] is the crucial final exam that learners must pass to earn their accreditation in their NQF4 118714.
Managed and conducted by the Assessment Quality Partner (AQP) specific to each qualification, the EISA evaluates learners on the essential skills and knowledge required for their chosen field, such as real estate.
When do you need to complete this exam?
Here are the steps you need to follow:
- Enrol and complete the OC: NQF4 SAQA ID 118714.
- Once you have completed the Knowledge and Practical modules, submit valid and certified proof of completion and/or statement of results to the PPRA.
- Then register and receive your FFC as a candidate and immediately commence with the Workplace module. Which must be completed within 180 days of being issued an FFC.
- Upon completion, submit a valid and certified proof of completion and statement of results.
- Once the EISA is completed and the qualification awarded, a candidate becomes eligible to write PDE4.
- Upon passing PDE4, they become non-principal property practitioners.
Why is EISA Important?
The EISA plays a critical role in ensuring that learners are truly competent in the skills they have studied, much like Grade 12 exams. By standardising the final assessment, it promotes integrity and reduces the risk of unethical practices among training providers. Furthermore, the EISA focuses on relevant skills that are directly applicable to the job market, rather than testing generic and less applicable knowledge.
It’s not yet clear how the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) and the PPRA will manage the EISA on a national level. Additionally, we need more information on how the EISA will be scheduled and coordinated to accommodate all learners across various accredited providers. Finally, ensuring the security of the question papers to prevent leaks before the assessment is a crucial concern. Stay tuned for updates from the QCTO as we learn more about the practical implementation of the EISA.
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