New Standards & Pathways of Education & Training for the Real Estate Industry

New Standards and Pathways of Education and Training for the Real Estate Sub-sector

In terms of Regulation 33 of the Property Practitioners Act

The PPA (Property Practitioners Act) in South Africa introduces significant changes to the regulation of the real estate industry. While the PPA aims to enhance professionalism and consumer protection in South Africa’s real estate industry, its implementation may bring about both opportunities and challenges for practitioners and stakeholders alike. Adapting to these changes will be crucial for navigating the evolving regulatory landscape effectively.

NQF4 Real Estate

Further education and training: NQF Level 4: Real Estate: SAQA ID 59097 is replaced by

Occupational Certificate: NQF Level 4: Real Estate: SAQA ID 118714.

NQF5 Real Estate

Occupational Certificate: NQF Level 5: Real Estate: SAQA ID 20188 is replaced by

Occupational Certificate: NQF Level 5: Real Estate: SAQA ID 121691.

If you currently have an FFC [before the end of June 2024]:

  • If you hold candidate status you must comply with the 2008 regulations.

The PPRA will no longer accept logbooks after 30 June 2024.

If your logbook is due after 30 June 2024, then your principal will need to co-sign a letter to submit to the PPRA. This letter will be released by the PPRA shortly.

  • If you hold principal, non-principal or candidate status without having your qualifications, then you are urged by the PPRA to register for the NQF4, RPL4, NQF5 or RPL5 (whichever course is applicable) before the end of June 2024. If you do not do this by the end of June 2024, you will need to register for the new qualifications, which means that in the case of NQF4 and RPL4, you will not be able to earn commission during the Knowledge and Practical components of your course.

How the PPRA will be implementing the new standards of education and training for the real estate sub-sector with effect from 1 July 2024 for:

  • Existing Principals property practitioners;
  • Principal property practitioners wishing to downgrade to non-principal property practitioner status;
  • Aspirant principal property practitioners;
  • Existing candidate property practitioners; and
  • Aspirants or new entrants wishing to joining the real estate sub-sector as candidate property practitioners for the first time.

Who is affected and how should this be handled?

Practical application to the various categories of property practitioners affected:

The table below will indicate the requirements to be met by 30 June 2024 and from 1 July 2024. The consequences for non-compliance are listed.

1.     Existing Principal, who has no formal qualifications, NQF5 and PDE5 have not been acquired:
Requirements to be met:Enrol in the NQF5 SAQA ID 20188 no later than 30 June 2024.
Then write and pass the PDE5.
Consequences:Enrol in the OC: Principal Real Estate Agent SAQA ID 121691.
You will not be allowed to renew your FFC when it expires.
2.     Existing Principal, already acquired the NQF5 SAQA 20188, or has been exempted against this, but has failed to write and pass the PDE5:
Requirements to be met:Write and pass the PDE5.
Consequences:You will not be allowed to renew your FFC when it expires.
3.     Principal, who wants to downgrade to non-principal, but has no formal qualifications:
Requirements to be met:Enrol in the NQF4 SAQA ID 59097 by no later than 30 June 2024.
Upon qualifying, write and pass the PDE4.
Consequences:You will not be allowed to renew your FFC when it expires.
4.     Principal, who wants to downgrade to non-principal, and has the NQF4 SAQA ID 59097 and NQF5 SAQA ID 20188, or has been exempted against this.
Requirements to be met:Write and pass the PDE4, unless completed before.
Consequences:You will not be allowed to renew your FFC when it expires.
5.     Existing non-principal, who has no formal qualifications, NQF4 and PDE4 have not been acquired:
Requirements to be met:Enrol in the NQF4 SAQA ID 59097 by 30 June 2024.
Upon qualifying, write and pass the PDE4.
Consequences:Enrol and complete the OC: NQF4 SAQA ID 118714.
You will not be allowed to renew your FFC when it expires.
6.     Existing non-principal, already required the NQF4 SAQA 59097 or has been exempted against this but has failed to write and pass the PDE4:
Requirements to be met:Write and pass the PDE4.
Consequences:You will not be allowed to renew your FFC when it expires.
7.     Non-principal, aspiring to become principal, from 1 July 2024, in possession of NQF4, PDE4, and NQF5 or exemption thereof.
Requirements to be met:Write and complete the PDE5, then you may become a Principal.
8.     Existing candidates, who failed to comply with 2008 regulations, did not complete the intern logbook, NQF4, and PDE4
Requirements to be met:Enrol in the NQF4 SAQA ID 59097 by 30 June 2024.
Submit a compliant intern logbook by no later than June 2024.
Failing which, to submit a letter co-signed by their principals and/or mentor confirming completion of the logbook and 12-month internship.
Upon qualifying for NQF4, write and pass the PDE4.
Consequences:You will not be allowed to renew your FFC when it expires.
9.     Existing candidates, who already acquired NQF4, or exempted against this, but failed to complete PDE4
Requirements to be met:Write and complete the PDE4.
Consequences:You will not be allowed to renew your FFC when it expires.
10. Aspirant candidate property practitioner with no formal qualifications and with no FFC from 1 July 2024.
Requirements to be met:
  • You can apply for an FFC and enroll in the new OC: NQF4 SAQA ID 118714 at the same time. This requirement also applies to candidates who applied for their FFCs before June 30, 2024, but are issued from July 1, 2024.
  • Enrol and complete the OC: NQF4 SAQA ID 118714.
  • Once you have completed the Knowledge and Practical modules, submit valid and certified proof of completion and/or statement of results to the PPRA.
  • Then register and receive your FFC as a candidate and immediately commence with the Workplace module. Which must be completed within 180 days of being issued an FFC.
  • Upon completion, submit a valid and certified proof of completion and statement of results.
  • Once the EISA is completed and the qualification awarded, a candidate becomes eligible to write PDE4.
  • Upon passing PDE4, they become non-principal property practitioners.

Information extracted from the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority communique dated 14 June 2024 found here.


The information provided in this article is intended for general informational purposes only. While we strive to keep all updates accurate and up-to-date, the Property Practitioners Regulatory Authority (PPRA) regulations are subject to change, and may do so without prior notice. PropAcademy is not responsible for any inaccuracies that may occur, nor for any decisions made based on this information. We encourage readers to consult the PPRA directly or visit their official website for the most current information regarding educational regulations and compliance requirements.

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