Anyone who registers with the Estate Agents Affairs Board (EAAB) as an Intern has to complete a compulsory 12-month internship. During this period you must be exposed to all aspects of the real estate business and gain full knowledge of the industry. To ensure compliance with The Authority, and to speed up your learning process, we offer a combined course of Intern Logbook and FET: NQF: Level 4: Real Estate. These are both regulated qualifications that should be achieved within the first 12-months of receiving your first FFC. Giving you a further 12-months to be found competent in your PDE4.
Failure to comply with EAAB education regulations may result in your FFC being revoked and you will not be allowed to trade or have any claim on pending commissions.
To qualify for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in this qualification, you must have been an estate agent for no less than 12-months and be able to perform the outcomes of the full qualification. If this is the case, please access our NQF4 RPL course which can be completed over 12-weeks.
It is also important that you register with a ServicesSETA accredited provider – only courses taken through registered Providers will be awarded SAQA credits. Read more here if you think you may be exempt from the NQF4.
At PropAcademy we assess your NQF4 Learning Units as you complete them, and should your answers be incorrect or need expansion you will be asked to re-answer where necessary. Then the Learning Unit will be internally moderated by an accredited PropAcademy Moderator. Once you have been found competent we will advise ServicesSETA (SSETA) that your PoE is ready for their moderation.
PropAcademy aims to get your SSETA Competency Certificate to you in record time.
Our Residential Logbook & NQF4 Real Estate Bundled course is easy to follow – we supply excellent Learning Guides to ensure that studying is stress-free.
Course Modules
M1: Internship Introduction to Estate Agency Practice: Part I
M2: Internship Introduction to Estate Agency Practice: Part II
M3: Code of Conduct
M4: Fidelity Fund and Trust Account
M5: Estate Agents Act & Agents Introduction
M6: Commissions & Client Protection
M7: Property Law & Taxes
M8: Property Ownership: Part I
M9: Property Ownership: Part II
M10: Natural & Legal Persons
M11: Mandates & Commissions
M12: Lease Agreements & Legal Requirements
M13: Financial Intelligence Centre
M14: Sale Agreements
M15: Acts
M16: Land Use
M17: Property Development Schemes
M18: Product Knowledge
M19: Develop a Business Plan
M20: Develop a Marketing Plan for Specific Property
M21: Compile an Individual Development Plan
M22: Draft an Activities Schedule
M23: Analyse the Policies & Procedures of the Estate Agency Undertaking
M24: Proposal on Enhancing the Performance of a Team
M25: Prepare a Presentation of Differing Financing Options
M26: Design a Brochure on the Registration of Title Deeds & Mortgage Bonds in the Deed Office
M27: Research Project: Code of Conduct for Estate Agents
M28: Instructions and Portfolio Checklist
NQF4 in Real Estate
M1: Learning Resources
M2: LU1 The Real Estate Platform
M3: LU2 Real Estate Legislation
M4: LU3 The Real Estate Environment
Course Material
The Logbook course consists of:
- The Estate Agent Affairs Board (EAAB) Intern Logbook Portfolio of Evidence (PoE) manual.
- Learning material incorporating expert-supplied knowledge of the industry which will assist you with all your qualifications up to and including NQF Level 5.
- 17 Knowledge-focused modules that include downloadable training materials and simple multiple-choice quizzes that must be completed before moving on to the next section of the Intern Logbook. These quiz sheets can be used as summary sheets for further studying.
- 10 Projects suggested by the board are found in modules 18 to 27. The templates guide you through the completion of each project.
The NQF4 in Real Estate course consists of:
- LU1: The Real Estate Platform:
Once you have completed this learning unit you will be able to analyze, evaluate and apply the Real Estate Code of Conduct and Ethics.
- LU2: Real Estate Legislation:
This learning unit ensures that you will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the real estate environment and the various laws, rules and regulations that impact the real estate function.
- LU3: Real Estate Generic Practice:
Once complete you will have an understanding of how to perform the real estate function in the market place.
You must attend as many NQF4 learning events as needed and keep a record of your notional hours. Our online face to face webinars are very interactive and we encourage full participation.
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